A | composé-forms are conjugated with avoir (only when the verb is conjugated with être also) |
Ê | composé-forms are conjugated with être |
aux | auxiliary verb |
déf | "verbe défectif" = not all forms of the verb are in use |
imp | "verbe impersonnel" = only used in the 3. person singular |
intr | intransitive |
pr | "verbe pronominal": the verb is only used with reflexive pronouns or the translation is valid for reflexive used verbs |
tr | transitive |
Afr | the verb is common in Africa |
Belg | the verb is common in Belgium |
Can | the verb is common in Canada |
Occi | the verb is common in Occitania |
Prov | the verb is common in the Provence |
Sui | the verb is common in Switzerland |
fam | "familial": colloquial language |
polit | political |
techn | technical |
vulg | vulgar |